Take the Survey

Your Basic Info

Please include your accurate birth year. If you don’t, you won’t receive matches

Contact Information

Selected Value: 3
1 is Not at all, match matters more than location. 5 is A lot, I want my match to be close, potentially limiting my matches

Personality Questions

Selected Value: 0
0: Save/Invest everything | 10: Treat yourself
Selected Value: 1
1: Well in advance | 5: At the last second
Selected Value: 1
1: The small things | 5: Seeing the big picture
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 3
1: Not at all | 5: Very Important
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Warning- This may not happen with the first batch of matches as we test ways to do this, but it will keep you up to date when we do implement this. The powers that be will be screening images. if you choose to submit an image, please pick a flattering and recent one of you. If you submit an inappropriate picture, you will be banned. MeetJew will not post this image (except to your matches) without further permission being requested.

We will email you with your results! You only need to fill out the survey once to stay in the database.

A copy of your responses should be sent to your email that you provided. If it does not make it, you might have provided the wrong email.